Friday, December 10, 2010

My second splash - Ethan

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was desperate for Ethan's arrival. He was a big 9lb 3oz baby, and I could hardly believe he fit in my belly.
His brains certainly don't come from my side of the family! I wish I could take credit for them, but he as sharp as a razor when it comes to education.
Ethan has always provided me with humor. Several years before he was getting ready to get baptized we were studying the part in the scriptures where Jesus was baptized, so that he could understand the example that Jesus had set for us. My very literal son paid great attention to detail as we read. One day he came and told me that he no longer wanted to be baptized. When he sat down and told me the reason, it took all my strength not to giggle. He had remembered that the person that baptized Jesus, (John the Baptist) was beheaded, and somehow got it stuck in his head that whoever performed his baptism would have to be beheaded also. LOL. I thought it was so sweet that he was looking out for someone, and even he saw the funny side when I explained it all to him.
Ethan has alway been a monkey, but he is also very sweet.
My favorite memory with Ethan was a time that I was going shopping. There was snow on the ground, and I had very little money. There were a couple of sales, and the kids needed new clothes, so I was hoping to get some bargins and make my money go further. Ethan must have be 4 years old at the time. As we walked past this one doorway, Ethan stopped because he noticed two men asleep on the icy floor. He made me stop, and he asked if they were okay. The men were very nice and they told him that they were fine. Ethan continued to ask then why they were sleeping on the floor, and they said that they had nowhere to live and no money. Before I had time to say a word, Ethan asked them if they were hungry. Both men were very sweet when they lied and said that they were fine. But Ethan couldn't leave it there. He asked them if they wanted hot chocolate, and both men smiled. They looked frozen, and my heart really ached for them. They weren't faking their situation, they had really been sleeping on that snow covered floor. I can't even imagine. Ethan and I went to the nearest McDonalds, and I let Ethan choose their breakfast sandwiches and hot chocolate. When went back to the men, and their faces lit up. They made Ethan feel so special. At one point Ethan asked if they wanted me to be their mummy. He said if you had a mummy, you would never be in this situation. I think all of our hearts melted at his words.
I'm an incredibly lucky mum, and learn so much from my children.

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